Saturday, December 19, 2020

Bookflix: celebrating "International Library Day" by IES Adeje (October, 24)

 24th October: "International Library Day" 

María Álvarez Suárez, a teacher in charge of Inclusion Department and many projects gave us a creative idea, 3º ESO B did not hesitate and participated! (RED Canaria InnovAS)

We created a sort of Netflix billboard with students and teachers' favourite books. We spoke about genres, characters and plots. 


Bookflix in Facebook

Do you like reading? How many books have you read? Why would you recommend reading? How do you feel when you read a story? Which are your fave books? Do you prefer paper books or ebooks? 👀📕📙📘📗💻

We consider ourselves good readers, sometimes we do not have enough time to read all what we would like to read. 
Most of us have read between 10 and 20 books. Reading gives us the sense of having a close friend, we can feel many emotions while reading, it is a kind of journey to us. We prefer paper books because we feel it is more personal, we feel a special love for certain books... On the other hand ebooks lack that special bond...  Now, it is your turn! 

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Spread the word! Issue 1 December, 2020

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