Wednesday, December 16, 2020

New Year's Resolutions by 3º ESO B, IES Adeje (December)

Which are your aims, wishes, resolutions, dreams for 2021? 

We have been chatting about our New Year's Resolutions and here you are our wishes:

We all coincided on "Enjoy with our families" as our first wish, perhaps after facing COVID-19 all around the world we are more aware of our bonds and family love...

  • Enjoy with my family
  • Travel more
  • Take care of our health
  • Be happier
  • Visit distant family
  • Fall in love
  • Be kinder with people
  • Make new friends
  • Travel to USA
  • Get better marks

Which are your wishes???? 👀💓😃

These are our Christmas decorations at High School: as our school is huge we created decorations for every school building. During December 22nd before Christmas holidays, 1º and 2º ESO will decorate their classroom doors. They will combine handcraft, creativity and thought provoking messages.

Merry Christmas and happy New Year!!! 😉😍

Sports and Chemistry by IISS G. Torno (November)


What do you think about competitions nowadays? What differences can you detect if you compare athletes in the past and nowadays? Do you agree with the use of boosters to win at any rate? 

To see the Power Point Presentation go to

WADA ‘PROHIBITED LIST’. • S1. Anabolic agents, Anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) , Other anabolic agents, including but not limited to clenbuterol, tibolone, zeranol and zilpaterol • S2. Hormones and related substances Erythropoietin (Epo) Growth hormone (Hgh), insulin-like growth factors, mechanogrowth factors (MGFS) Gonadotrophins (LH, HCG), prohibited in males only Insulin Corticotrophins • S3. Beta-2 agonists • S4. Agents with anti-estrogenic activity Aromatase inhibitors Selective estrogen receptor modulators (serms) Other antiestrogenic substances • S5. Diuretics and other masking agents • S6. Stimulants (prohibited in-competition) • S7. Narcotics (prohibited in-competition) • S8. Cannabinoids (prohibited in-competition) • S9. Glucocorticosteroids (prohibited in-competition) • P1. Alcohol (prohibited in particular sports) • P2. Beta-blockers (prohibited in particular sports)

DOPING SUBSTANCES AND METHODS CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO THE SUPPOSED ERGOGENIC EFFECTS Increase of endurance performances and oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood Erythropoiesis-stimulating substances (e.g. erythropoietin) Blood transfusions Artificial oxygen carriers Anti-asmatic agents Increase of power performances and muscle mass Anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) Recombinant hormones and gonadotrophins (growth hormone, LH and HCG) Other non-steroid anabolic agents (anti-inflammatory drugs) Sports where concentration, steady action and ability to control movements are required b-blockers Calcium channel antagonists Masking agents (e.g. diuretics) ‘Transversal’ methods Gene doping Other substances with unlikely performance-enhancing activity Stimulants Narcotics

Christmas lights in Navarre by 2ºFP2, Higher Vocational Training in Business Administration and Finances, CIP Tafalla

When Christmas comes, every single space seems to be decorated, and street lights and Christmas trees are commonplace. In fact, many shops try to call our attention giving free rein to their imagination using these ornaments in their storefronts. The students of High Vocational Training in Administration and Finances have taken some photos where this charming atmosphere is depicted throughout Navarre. What do you think of it?

Christmas lights:

Christmas trees:

Storefronts and business:

Spread the word! Issue 1 December, 2020

Introduction :  We are very eager to start our project after a tough time preparing protocols and secure spaces to work with our students du...